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Tiffin Right to Life Educational Foundation is a non-profit corporation registered in the State of Ohio.  We are an all-volunteer 501(c)(4) organization doing business as Tiffin Right to Life.

Tiffin Right to Life promotes and supports legal rights for the pre-born, the disabled and infirm, and elderly.  We believe that the sacred dignity of human life must be respected and protected “from the womb to the tomb.”



The membership is under the guidance of a Spiritual Director and four elected Officers. 



 Vice President




Each officer serves a 2-year term.  The Spiritual Director and all officers volunteer their service to the organization.  



The right to life is the first among human rights.
– Pope Francis

The mission of Tiffin Right to Life is to pray and to spread public awareness of the inherent dignity of innocent human life from conception until natural death and to support traditional marriage and families and beginning- and end-of-life issues, morality and organ donation in accordance with the teachings of the Catholic Church. 

(This page last updated 2023).


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