(This page last updated 11/12/24)
If you have a photo of an event involving Tiffin Right to Life, you may submit it via file attachment in .jpg format by emailing us at righttolifetiffin@gmail.com. Please mark the email Subject as "Web Administrator." We may be able to add it to our photo gallery.

15 students from Calvert Catholic Schools joined the Tiffin RTL in September for "Voices on the Square" to advocate for legal protection of preborn babies.

Students at Calvert High School placed 800 pink and blue flags the lawn at the intersection of Jefferson & Madison Streets with this banner for 40 Days of Life.
We are experiencing technical difficulties in loading photos from our 9th "Annual Celebrate Life" Fundraiser on October 26, 2024. Your patience is appreciated.
Photos from our 8th Annual "Celebrate Life" Fundraiser on October 28, 2023

Photos from our 7th Annual "Celebrate Life" Fundraiser on October, 29, 2022