This page last updated 2/8/25
Upcoming Events

Voices on the Square -- First Friday of every month, 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m., corner Market & Washington Streets, Tiffin, Ohio near the Seneca County Justice Center. Join this peaceful demonstration about the sanctity of human life and the need to protect it.
Mar. 5-Apr. 13 (Ash Wednesday - Palm Sunday) - 40 Days for Life -- Consider praying at an abortion facility some time during this 40 days, or devote specific time in prayer at home or at church to pray that hearts are open to God's gift of life. Try attending the Tiffin Right to Life Voices on the Square on March 7th at 11:30 AM (details above).
Mar. 11 (Tu.) - 5:30 p.m. - Mass intention is for "Families of Miscarried and Stillborn Babies" at Tiffin St. Joseph Church. All are welcome.
Mar. 30 (Sun.) - 2:00-3:15 p.m. at The Chandelier Event Center in Tiffin -- Beth Vanderkooi of Greater Columbus RTL will present "Faithful at the End of Life," a discussion about end-of-life issues and critical decisions -- This event is Free and Open to the Public -- Please come and bring a friend and/or family members.
April 8 (Tu.) - 7-8 p.m. RTL Quarterly Member Meeting in K of C Ballroom on E. Perry St. Optional rosary begins at 6:30 PM
May 10 (Sat.) - Annual Geranium Sale 8:30 a.m. until sold out at St. Joseph Church large parking lot (Spring Fundraiser Committee)
June 15 (Sun.) - 12:00 noon - Mass Intention is for "Fathers and Their Children" at Tiffin St. Mary
additions to this calender will be added as time goes forward
SAVE THE DATE: Saturday, November ​​1, 2025 for our
10th Annual "Celebrate Life" Fundraiser​