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This Page last updated 5/23/24

Please see our "Recent Billboards" and our "Previous Billboards" pages for additional messages we have used.

2020 October Billboard Near St. Mary Cemetary.-RESIZED TO 50 PERCENTjpg.jpg

Tiffin Right to Life leases commercial billboard space in Tiffin and Seneca County for pro-life messages to raise awareness for the sanctity and dignity of human life from the time of conception until natural death -- or as we say, "from the womb to the tomb."    


We intend to expand the Culture of Life in Tiffin & Seneca County, Ohio and we encourage other communities in Ohio and throughout the nation to do the same. 


Donations to help fund public messages are always welcome, since we are an all-volunteer organization with a tax status of 501(c)(4).    Please see our "Donate" page if you would like to support this public messaging and education.

Tiffin RTL also leases space for a smaller 4' x 8' vinyl sign on the fence at the Seneca County Fairgrounds.  Our message  can be changed during the year and are easily seen at eye level by drivers who are required to stop at the intersection of Hopewell and Euclid Streets.  Suggestions for life-affirming messages on our sign at the Fairgrounds may be emailed to

Tiffin RTL also has agreements with property owners to install 4' x 8' banners in a permanent frame erected by RTL on their private property.   One of our newest signs is shown below sharing the brutal truth of what Elective Abortion is. 

Elective Abortion is  also referred to as "Abortion on Demand" at any time during the full 9 months of pregnancy and for any reason a female and her doctor agree upon).  This is what the November 2023 Election in Ohio allowed as a new "right" under the Ohio Constitution.

We believe a preborn baby deserves the right to life -- to be born, and then to grow and make his or her impact on the world to make it a better place for all people.   We believe society has an obligation to assist in providing this right and in protecting future citizens.  


A Spontaneous Miscarriage is NOT an Elective Abortion, and women have always received medical care for a spontaneous abortion and will continue to receive compassionate medical care for this tragic loss.

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